Tag Archives: Daily Monster

The New Yorker described how police handled a child rape suspect after recognizing him from a wanted poster

A man was arrested after being accused of raping a 13-year-old girl after being recognized by Queen residents from a wanted poster, who later took him into custody. Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, faced a number of charges including rape, robbery, kidnapping, sexual abuse, threatening, unlawful imprisonment, among other charges, after he was detained by authorities.… Read More »

Why Do Users Believe This App Can Help Them Switch Between Realities?

Reality changers are a group of people who believe that they can transport themselves to different realities by using techniques they learn from posts on the internet. Some of these techniques are old; such as breathing exercises, affirmations and visualization. But one of the most important techniques is quite contemporary: an app on your phone.… Read More »

Why You Desperately Need Digital Spring Cleaning

Illustration: Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast Like many unfortunate journalists of 2024, I lost my job this year. While media companies guillotined their staff to cut their first quarter budgets, I had to adjust my expenses and readjust my life. I factored in my essential expenses (rent, utilities, groceries, gas) and temporarily said goodbye to frivolous… Read More »

Why Won’t Generation Z Raise ‘iPad Kids’?

Photo Illustration: Erin O’Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images As the midterm “Sephora kid” epidemic makes headlines, parenthood, or the lack thereof, has become a larger cultural discourse. While parents have been making socially questionable decisions since the first child was born, those choices didn’t always come with people on the internet evaluating their every move. Versions… Read More »

How Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Can Finally Help You Learn a New Language

Illustration: Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast If you have painful memories of high school Spanish or have trouble ordering food while traveling abroad, you’re not alone. Although more Americans than ever report speaking a second language at home, many Americans remain monolingual. Language learning apps have been trying to change this for over a decade, with… Read More »

Why Cell Phones Should Return to the Girly and Gorgeous Designs of the 2000s

Photo Illustration: Erin O’Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images, HBO and 20th Century Fox Next time you’re at the bar, at a friend’s house, or taking care of business on the bus, look around and count all the cell phones. You will often calculate more than you realise; All the tech guys in the bar will be… Read More »

Can a ‘Kosher’ Phone Cure Your Technology Addiction?

Illustration: Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast As an older member of the millennial generation, I got my first cell phone during my senior year of high school. I still remember the novelty of discovering how easy and seamless it was to communicate with people and download apps. At the time, no one fully understood how addictive… Read More »

MoodCapture App Can See When You’re Depressed Before You Do

Getty Images An AI-powered app developed by Dartmouth University researchers promises to detect signs of depression using facial recognition software on your smartphone and could even warn you before you even realize you’re depressed. The app is called MoodCapture and it uses your phone’s front camera to analyze your emotions. When you use face unlock… Read More »

How Artificial Intelligence Could Reveal the World’s Oldest Archaeological Mysteries

Illustration: Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast This month, three computer scientists won the Vesuvius Challenge, a competition that used artificial intelligence to uncover four ancient Greek passages hidden for 2,000 years inside a charred scroll. The artifact was found in Herculaneum, a Roman resort town destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. “This… Read More »