Tag Archives: degrees centigrade

July ends 13-month streak of global temperature records as El Nino fades, but experts warn against complacency

A 13-month period in which the Earth broke new average temperature records ended in July as the natural El Nino climate pattern weakened, European climate agency Copernicus announced on Wednesday. But the average temperature for July 2024 narrowly beat that of July the previous year, and scientists said the end of the record-breaking streak changed… Read More »

June is on track for its 13th monthly heat record. The series may be over soon, but the dangerous heat won’t

Earth’s record-breaking streak of warmest months for more than a year continued in June, according to European climate research agency Copernicus. There is hope that the planet’s record-breaking heatwave will soon end, but the climate chaos it has brought is far from over, scientists said. Global temperatures in June hit a record high for the… Read More »

The world’s biggest capitals are getting more active and Asia is at the top of the list

The world’s largest capitals are experiencing more extreme heat days than ever before, a dangerous trend driven by scorching temperatures in Asia as the climate crisis worsens, according to a new study. The world’s 20 most populous cities (home to more than 300 million people combined) have seen a 52% increase in the number of… Read More »

We’re accidentally cooling the planet, and it’s about to end

It is widely accepted that humans have been warming the planet by burning coal, oil, and natural gas for more than a century. The Earth has warmed almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, and the planet is poised to quickly surpass the hoped-for 1.5 degree Celsius warming limit. But few people… Read More »

How does heat kill? It confuses your brain. It shuts down your organs. It makes your heart work too much.

While temperatures and humidity rise rapidly outside, what’s happening inside the human body can turn into a life-or-death battle that only a few degrees can decide. Researchers who put people in hot boxes to see what happens to them say the critical danger point for outdoor illness and death from extreme heat is a few… Read More »

Climate change made deadly heat wave hotter in Mexico and Southwest US, increasing its likelihood by 35 times

WASHINGTON (AP) — A breaking new study finds that human-caused climate change has turned up the thermostat and increased the likelihood of this month’s killer heat that scorched the American Southwest, Mexico and Central America. Sizzling daytime temperatures that triggered cases of heatstroke in some parts of the United States were 35 times hotter and… Read More »

New report concludes human-caused global warming is at an all-time high

Last year alone, human activities such as burning coal for cheap energy caused our planet to warm by 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.34 Fahrenheit), according to a new report. Scientists say if we continue pumping heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at our current rate, we have about five years to push global warming beyond the… Read More »

New study reveals Earth is warming at record rates, but there’s no evidence climate change is accelerating

The Earth’s warming rate will reach an all-time high in 2023, with 92% of last year’s astonishing record-breaking heat caused by humans, top scientists have calculated. The group of 57 scientists from around the world used United Nations-approved methods to examine what was behind last year’s deadly heat explosion. They said that despite a higher… Read More »

New study reveals Earth is warming at record rates, but there’s no evidence climate change is accelerating

The Earth’s warming rate will reach an all-time high in 2023, with 92% of last year’s astonishing record-breaking heat caused by humans, top scientists have calculated. The group of 57 scientists from around the world used United Nations-approved methods to examine what was behind last year’s deadly heat explosion. They said that despite a higher… Read More »

Scientists find summer 2023 will be Earth’s hottest summer in 2000 years

Last summer’s 2015 Paris Agreement, which aimed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, has already been violated. SoilThe hottest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2000 years. More specifically, new estimates from tree ring records show that the summer of 2023 is 2.07 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial… Read More »