Tag Archives: Depression

Study reveals reduced stress and improved mood

A new study published in the journal Nutrition, Researchers at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom investigated the relationship between adherence to the ketogenic diet and various aspects of mental health, such as calmness, contentment, alertness, and emotional well-being, in the general healthy population. Research: The ketogenic diet has a positive relationship with mental and… Read More »

There’s a Reason They’re Called ‘Instinctive’ Emotions

Credit – Getty Images IIn the 1800s, Alexis St. A French Canadian named Martin was shot in the stomach when someone’s rifle accidentally fired at close range while he was at a fur trading post. He survived, but his injuries caused a hole in his stomach wall. This literally provided an early window into how… Read More »

New research shows US coastal cities are sinking as sea levels continue to rise

Many coastal cities around the United States are “disappearing underground,” according to new research; This could further exacerbate complications related to sea level rise in the near future. Significant amounts of land in 32 U.S. coastal cities could be at risk of flooding by 2050 due to subsidence, the gradual collapse or sinking of an… Read More »

MoodCapture App Can See When You’re Depressed Before You Do

Getty Images An AI-powered app developed by Dartmouth University researchers promises to detect signs of depression using facial recognition software on your smartphone and could even warn you before you even realize you’re depressed. The app is called MoodCapture and it uses your phone’s front camera to analyze your emotions. When you use face unlock… Read More »

A pacemaker for the brain helped a woman with crippling depression. May soon give hope to others

NEW YORK (AP) — Emily Hollenbeck lived with a recurring depression that she compared to a black hole; Here the gravity was so strong and his limbs were so heavy that he could hardly move. She knew the disease could kill her. Both of his mothers took their own lives. He was willing to try… Read More »

A pacemaker for the brain helped a woman with crippling depression. May soon give hope to others

NEW YORK (AP) — Emily Hollenbeck lived with a recurring depression that she compared to a black hole; Here the gravity was so strong and his limbs were so heavy that he could hardly move. She knew the disease could kill her. Both of his mothers took their own lives. He was willing to try… Read More »

A pacemaker for the brain helped a woman with crippling depression. May soon give hope to others

NEW YORK (AP) — Emily Hollenbeck lived with a deep, recurring depression that she compared to a black hole; Here gravity was so strong and his limbs were so heavy he could barely move. She knew the disease could kill her. She took the lives of both her parents. He was willing to try something… Read More »

A pacemaker for the brain helped a woman with crippling depression. May soon give hope to others

NEW YORK (AP) — Emily Hollenbeck lived with a deep, recurring depression that she compared to a black hole; Here gravity was so strong and his limbs were so heavy he could barely move. She knew the disease could kill her. She took the lives of both her parents. He was willing to try something… Read More »

What Do We Understand Wrong About Nutrition and Mental Health?

Patel-Dunn is a psychiatrist. A growing body of evidence links the consumption of unhealthy and overly processed foods to an increase in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. A 2022 study found that the more processed foods a participant consumed, the more likely they were to report anxiety and depression. Other studies have… Read More »

How electroconvulsive therapy heals the brain – new insights into ECT, a stigmatized but highly effective treatment for depression

When most people hear electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, it often conjures up horrific images of cruel, outdated and fraudulent medical procedures. The perception that ECT, formerly known as electroshock therapy, is dangerous and ineffective has been reinforced in popular culture for decades; Consider the 1962 Oscar-winning film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” in which… Read More »