Tag Archives: event horizon

Strange physics at the edges of black holes could help solve the ongoing ‘Hubble problem’

The universe’s expansion rate is accelerating across the cosmos, driven by a mysterious force known as dark energy, but perhaps this acceleration isn’t happening at the boundaries of black holes, new research suggests. Rather than implying that dark energy does not move around the boundaries of black holes, this idea suggests that this mysterious force… Read More »

What is a White Hole? Is There a Cosmic Event?

Black holes have long attracted attention as celestial bodies from which nothing, not even light, can escape. However, theoretical physicists propose a less understood but equally fascinating counterpart: white hole. Unlike black holes that attracted matter, white holes repelled it. What are White Holes? In astrophysics, a white hole represents a theoretical phenomenon in which… Read More »

The Photo is Claimed to be the First Image of the Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy in Polarized Light. Here’s the Science

Event Horizon Telescope Allegation: A photo shared online in March 2024 shows the first image in polarized light of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Evaluation: Rating: True Context: The photo showed the first image in polarized light of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.… Read More »

Event Horizon Telescope spies jets exploding from nearby supermassive black hole

Astronomers have observed a supermassive black hole in Earth’s cosmic backyard, shooting jets of matter at speeds close to the speed of light. These outbursts tell the story of the struggle for supremacy between magnetism and gravity. This discovery could help scientists better understand how black holes feed on matter and eject powerful jets that… Read More »