Tag Archives: fossil fuels

Could a diet that’s good for the planet reduce your risk of dying from disease?

A diet that promotes plant-based protein to help the environment now has a more humane argument: It can reduce your risk of dying from many major diseases. “This wasn’t just a cause of death. It was across the board,” said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public… Read More »

Devastating floods in Brazil double as burning of fossil fuels and trees

The unusually intense, prolonged and extensive flooding that devastated southern Brazil was at least twice as likely to have been caused by human burning of fossil fuels and trees, a study has shown. The record disaster killed 169 people, destroyed homes and ruined harvests, and was worsened by deforestation, investment cuts and human shortages. The… Read More »

How is climate change affecting heat waves in California and the West?

Climate change is changing the character of the West’s warmest periods; making them more frequent, more persistent and more lethal. Throughout almost all of human history, heat waves have been driven by natural variability, or the tendency for weather patterns to occasionally deviate from their typical patterns. However, the accumulation of greenhouse gases from burning… Read More »

Report shows big banks still pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into fossil fuel industry

More than $700 billion in loans and underwriting flowed to companies doing business with fossil fuels last year, channeled by the world’s 60 largest private banks, according to a report released Monday by several environmental groups. The annual report, put together by the Sierra Club and Rainforest Action Network, among others, shows a slight decline… Read More »

Scientists find fingerprints of climate change in deadly floods in Dubai

The record-breaking rain that fell on the United Arab Emirates and Oman this month, triggering deadly floods and chaos, was partly caused by the climate crisis, according to a scientific analysis published on Thursday that points directly to humans burning fossil fuels. A team of 21 scientists and researchers as part of the World Weather… Read More »

Could this ocean-based carbon plant help save the world? Some scientists raise red flags

Editor’s Note: CNN Films “Blue Carbon: The Hidden Power of Nature” takes viewers from the mangroves of Vietnam to the salt marshes of France to investigate a powerful new ally in the fight to slow climate change. It will premiere on Sunday, April 21st at 9pm ET/PT. An oceanfront startup in western Singapore is building… Read More »

Could this ocean-based carbon plant help save the world? Some scientists raise red flags

Editor’s Note: CNN Films “Blue Carbon: The Hidden Power of Nature” takes viewers from the mangroves of Vietnam to the salt marshes of France to investigate a powerful new ally in the fight to slow climate change. It will premiere on Sunday, April 21st at 9pm ET/PT. An oceanfront startup in western Singapore is building… Read More »

Could this ocean-based carbon plant help save the world? Some scientists raise red flags

Editor’s Note: CNN Films “Blue Carbon: The Hidden Power of Nature” takes viewers from the mangroves of Vietnam to the salt marshes of France to investigate a powerful new ally in the fight to slow climate change. It will premiere on Sunday, April 21st at 9pm ET/PT. An oceanfront startup in western Singapore is building… Read More »

Not all carbon capture projects work from a climate perspective; We mapped the pros and cons of each and found clear winners and losers

Capturing and recycling carbon dioxide from the air or industries may seem like a win-win climate solution. By staying out of the atmosphere, greenhouse gases can warm the planet and prevent further fossil fuel use. But not all carbon capture projects offer the same economic and environmental benefits. In fact, some may make climate change… Read More »