Tag Archives: fossil fuels

After a terrible year of climate news, here are 5 reasons to feel positive

There’s been no shortage of bad climate news this year: unprecedented global heat has fueled deadly extreme weather events, scientists have issued dire warnings that next year could be even worse, and the world’s carbon pollution has continued to rise. However, despite this pessimism, there were signs of progress. Renewable energy records were broken, the… Read More »

Why is the COP28 climate summit important and what should be considered in 2024?

When you read the lengthy final agreement of the COP28 United Nations climate conference in December 2023, you will go a long way before finding a strong, active verb. Lengthy descriptions of climate impacts reveal glaring gaps in countries’ current policies, with “worrying notes” and occasionally “significant concerns”. But while countries promised to take voluntary… Read More »

What do you expect when an oil executive runs climate talks?

Editor’s Note: John D. Sutter is a climate journalist and nonfiction filmmaker. He is the Ted Turner Visiting Professor of Environmental Media at George Washington University. The opinions expressed in this comment are his own. Read more CNN’s Opinion. As someone who has been reporting on the climate crisis for more than a decade, I… Read More »

UPEI researchers focus on producing hydrogen from UV rays, sawdust and potato peelings

Yulin Hu, an assistant professor at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, is one of the researchers looking for new ways to produce hydrogen to replace fossil fuels and combat the effects of climate change. (Shane Hennessey/CBC – image credit) Researchers at UPEI are looking for new ways to produce hydrogen to replace fossil fuels… Read More »

I am a climate scientist. That’s why I’m laughing

Editor’s Note: Bill McGuire He is honorary professor of Geophysics and Climate Hazards at University College London and author of: “Greenhouse World: A Resident’s Guide.” The opinions expressed in this comment are his own. Read more CNN’s view Here. Question: How many climate change deniers does it take to change a light bulb? A: What… Read More »

Experts disagree on outcomes of UN climate talks in Dubai; ‘Historic’, ‘creaky’ or something else?

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Climate talks that just concluded in Dubai have reached the core of compromise and found a common language that nearly 200 countries have agreed to, sometimes reluctantly. For the first time after nearly three decades of such talks, the final agreement stated that fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural… Read More »

Historic climate deal takes ‘minimal’ action as world heats, burns and floods

If ever there was a year to call for bold global action against climate change, 2023 was it. In what will likely go down as the hottest year on record – a year of devastating floods, scorching heatwaves, devastating wildfires and persistent drought – leaders from nearly 200 countries have come together to chart a… Read More »

Delegates have a stronger new climate proposal at COP28 as countries push for an end to fossil fuels

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A new consensus emerged at the United Nations COP28 climate talks early Wednesday; The world will eventually wean itself off planet-warming fossil fuels, critics have called for a global recovery that is stronger than that proposed in earlier days but has woeful gaps. The new proposal does not include… Read More »