Tag Archives: future generations

Neolithic site in Orkney to be reburied after 20 years of excavation

In a few weeks archaeologists will gather at the Ness of Brodgar in Orkney and for the next two months will excavate one of the largest prehistoric sites in Europe. Over the past 20 summers, scientists and volunteers have excavated here, uncovering wonders such as 5,000-year-old temple ruins, hearths, ceramic figurines and exquisite pottery. Then,… Read More »

What you eat may change the genes and health outcomes of your unborn children and grandchildren

Over the past century, researchers’ understanding of genetics has undergone a profound transformation. Genes, the regions of DNA largely responsible for our physical characteristics, were considered immutable under the original model of genetics pioneered by biologist Gregor Mendel in 1865. That is, genes were thought to be largely unaffected by a person’s environment. The emergence… Read More »