Tag Archives: geomagnetic storm

A major solar storm could bring down the power grid and internet – an electrical engineer explains how it happened

On September 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems worldwide failed catastrophically. Telegraph operators reported receiving electric shocks, telegraph paper caught fire, and they were able to operate the equipment with the batteries removed. In the evening, the aurora borealis, better known as the northern lights, could be seen as far south as Colombia. Typically these… Read More »

A major solar storm could bring down the power grid and internet – an electrical engineer explains how it happened

On September 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems worldwide failed catastrophically. Telegraph operators reported receiving electric shocks, telegraph paper caught fire, and they were able to operate the equipment with the batteries removed. In the evening, the aurora borealis, better known as the northern lights, could be seen as far south as Colombia. Typically these… Read More »

Space weather is chaotic and difficult to predict. This new model could change that

Scientists are building a “state-of-the-art” digital space model around Earth to improve prediction of solar storms and their impacts on infrastructure. Almost seventy years into the space age, scientists’ understanding space weather still very rude. Unlike terrestrial weather conditions, which are now predicted with great accuracy and timeliness by powerful supercomputers, space weather forecasts are… Read More »