Tag Archives: giant gas planets

Extremely ‘hot Jupiter’ planet smells like rotten eggs and has violent glass storms

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have discovered that one of the closest “hot Jupiter” planets to Earth smells like rotten eggs. The planet already has a bad reputation for deadly glass rain, extreme temperatures, and sideways winds of 5,000 mph (8,046 kph), but this discovery makes this world seem even less friendly.… Read More »

Webb observations point to giant asteroid collision in nearby planetary system

“James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” In The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. The show will premiere on Sunday, June 16 at 8pm ET/PT on CNN. A collision between giant asteroids may have occurred in a neighboring star system called Beta Pictoris in recent… Read More »

Webb observations point to giant asteroid collision in nearby planetary system

“James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” In The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. The show will premiere on Sunday, June 16 at 8pm ET/PT on CNN. A collision between giant asteroids may have occurred in a neighboring star system called Beta Pictoris in recent… Read More »