Tag Archives: global temperature

June is on track for its 13th monthly heat record. The series may be over soon, but the dangerous heat won’t

Earth’s record-breaking streak of warmest months for more than a year continued in June, according to European climate research agency Copernicus. There is hope that the planet’s record-breaking heatwave will soon end, but the climate chaos it has brought is far from over, scientists said. Global temperatures in June hit a record high for the… Read More »

Globe broke the temperature record for the 8th consecutive month. Golfers will play in Minnesota’s ‘lost winter’

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Earth was record warm in January for the eighth month in a row, according to the European climate agency. That was evident in the northern United States, where nearly 1,000 people played golf in snow-covered Minneapolis last month during what the state calls the “Lost Winter of 2023-24.” According to… Read More »

The world has successfully combated a dangerous pollutant. So did it accidentally warm the planet in the process?

Giant cargo ships crisscrossing the world’s oceans sometimes leave “trails” behind; long, wispy clouds that move across the sky, lasting a few days at most before disappearing. These ghost clouds look beautiful but are a visible sign of deadly air pollution. They form when tiny sulfur dioxide particles blown out of ships’ smokestacks interact with… Read More »

The world has successfully combated a dangerous pollutant. So did it accidentally warm the planet in the process?

Giant cargo ships crisscrossing the world’s oceans sometimes leave “trails” behind; long, wispy clouds that move across the sky, lasting a few days at most before disappearing. These ghost clouds look beautiful but are a visible sign of deadly air pollution. They form when tiny sulfur dioxide particles blown out of ships’ smokestacks interact with… Read More »