Tag Archives: global temperatures

Heatwaves are getting longer and more brutal. Here’s why your air conditioner may not save you anymore

When Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana with catastrophic flooding and powerful winds in August 2021, more than 1 million people were left without power. Then came the heat wave, with temperatures soaring above 90 degrees Fahrenheit — a blow to those sweltering at home, unable to turn on the air conditioning due to days-long power outages.… Read More »

We’re accidentally cooling the planet, and it’s about to end

It is widely accepted that humans have been warming the planet by burning coal, oil, and natural gas for more than a century. The Earth has warmed almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, and the planet is poised to quickly surpass the hoped-for 1.5 degree Celsius warming limit. But few people… Read More »

El Niño makes a comeback, but La Niña could bring dry conditions back to California

After a year of dominance, El Niño’s rampage is over; But its climate-wrecking counterpart, La Niña, is immediately warming and could signal a return to dryness for California. El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, sometimes called ENSO. The climate pattern in the tropical Pacific is the largest driver of… Read More »

New report concludes human-caused global warming is at an all-time high

Last year alone, human activities such as burning coal for cheap energy caused our planet to warm by 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.34 Fahrenheit), according to a new report. Scientists say if we continue pumping heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at our current rate, we have about five years to push global warming beyond the… Read More »

Venezuela becomes the first Andean country to lose all its glaciers

For the people of the Venezuelan state of Mérida, the glacier-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada have been a source of pride since time immemorial: The mountains are part of the regional identity and the source of various legends in the region that link them with the legendary whites. eagles But none of the six… Read More »

One of Mount Everest’s deadliest passes is becoming increasingly dangerous

The 2024 Mount Everest climbing season has been postponed due to the breakup of ice on the Khumbu Glacier. Khumbu Icefall is one of the most dangerous obstacles to overcome on the way to the top of Everest. As global temperatures increase due to climate change, these ice showers will become even more dangerous. Climbing… Read More »

NOAA says the world’s coral reefs are being hit by the fourth mass bleaching event

Extreme ocean heat is causing a mass bleaching event in coral reefs worldwide, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA announced Monday that “4. global coral bleaching event” and that bleaching has been documented in every major ocean basin in the past 14 months, including off Florida in the United States, Australia’s Great… Read More »

Ocean heat is causing a global coral bleaching event, and it could be the worst event in history

A mass bleaching event is occurring in coral reefs around the world as the climate crisis triggers record-breaking ocean heat, two science organizations announced Monday. some experts warn this could be the worst bleaching period in recorded history. More than 54% of the world’s coral reef areas experienced bleaching last year, affecting at least 53… Read More »

Ocean heat is causing a global coral bleaching event, and it could be the worst event in history

A mass bleaching event is occurring in coral reefs around the world as the climate crisis triggers record-breaking ocean heat, two science organizations announced Monday. some experts warn this could be the worst bleaching period in recorded history. More than 54% of the world’s coral reef areas experienced bleaching last year, affecting at least 53… Read More »

Extreme temperatures cause more than half a million stroke deaths a year. Expect more with climate change

More than half a million people died from strokes linked to high and low temperatures in 2019 alone, a new study has found. This number is expected to increase as the world warms due to human-induced climate change. The study, published Wednesday in the medical journal Neurology, found that the number of strokes attributable to… Read More »