Tag Archives: global warming

Polar ice is melting and changing the Earth’s rotation. He’s dealing with time itself

One day in the next few years, everyone in the world will lose a second of their time. Exactly when this will happen is influenced by people, according to a new study; because melting polar ice changes the rotation of the Earth and changes time. The hours and minutes that determine our days are determined… Read More »

Melting polar ice slows Earth’s rotation, with possible consequences for timekeeping

Global warming has slowed the Earth’s rotation slightly, and this may affect how we measure time. A study published Wednesday found that melting polar ice — an accelerating trend driven primarily by human-caused climate change — is causing the Earth to spin less quickly than it normally does. The study’s author, Duncan Agnew, a geophysicist… Read More »

Are water cycles the missing piece of the climate crisis puzzle?

When we talk about the greenhouse effect (as opposed to global warming), we rarely mention the fact that most of it is not caused by carbon dioxide. But as a greenhouse gas, water vapor contributes 70% of the insulation that keeps solar energy in our atmosphere at the right temperature for life. Although it is… Read More »

UN weather agency issues ‘red alert’ on climate change after record temperature and ice melt increases in 2023

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. weather agency is sounding a “red alert” on global warming, citing record increases in greenhouse gases, land and water temperatures and melting of glaciers and sea ice last year, and warning that the world’s efforts to stop it should continue. It was insufficient to reverse the trend. The World Meteorological… Read More »

Planet not at risk of ‘CO2 shortage’: scientists

Screenshot of the misleading graphic taken on March 5. Kate Tan Similar posts from New Zealand and France included a 37-second video clip of an interview with Princeton University physics professor William Happer, published by Sky News Australia in September 2023. Happer, who was a science adviser to former US president Donald Trump, said in… Read More »

The ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting rapidly. Scientists now have evidence of when it started and why

Scientists looked back in time to reconstruct the past life of Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier”; It was given this nickname because its collapse could cause catastrophic sea level rise. They found that it began to retreat rapidly in the 1940s, according to a new study that gives an alarming glimpse of future melting. Thwaites Glacier in… Read More »

The ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting rapidly. Scientists now have evidence of when it started and why

Scientists looked back in time to reconstruct the past life of Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier”; It was given this nickname because its collapse could cause catastrophic sea level rise. They found that it began to retreat rapidly in the 1940s, according to a new study that gives an alarming glimpse of future melting. Thwaites Glacier in… Read More »

The Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a turning point; Study shows we’ll see extreme climate change in decades after melting glaciers block Gulf Stream

Superstorms, sudden climate changes, and New York City is covered in ice. This is how the blockbuster Hollywood movie “The Day After Tomorrow” depicted the sudden closure of the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean and its disastrous consequences. While Hollywood’s vision was at its peak, the 2004 film raised a serious question: How sudden and… Read More »