Tag Archives: gravity effect

Cracking! Some binary black holes may orbit each other in egg-shaped orbits

Black hole week ends today (May 10), and there’s no better way to mark the occasion than with “egg-casual” black hole science. Using gravitational wave measurements made by the US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo and KAGRA detectors in Italy and Japan, scientists found that the orbits of some binary black… Read More »

Dark matter may be slowly shaking the space-time around us, and scientists may finally know how to detect it

A new theoretical study suggests that scientists may soon be able to detect the most mysterious being in the universe using a fleet of next-generation satellites. Dark matter – a poorly understood substance that does not emit, absorb or reflect light, but exerts a clear gravitational influence on other matter – dominates the universe. Although… Read More »

Astronomers witness 18 greedy black holes tearing apart and devouring stars

It’s a cosmic jungle for stars who dare to get too close to black holes. A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found 18 new examples of black holes tearing stars apart and feasting on their remains. This result more than doubles the number of catastrophic, star-shattering Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) seen in… Read More »