Tag Archives: greenhouse gas emissions

Google misses key climate target, claims AI needs electricity

Three years ago, Google outlined an ambitious plan to address climate change: to achieve “net zero,” meaning no more climate-changing gases than it already emits into the air by 2030. But a report from the company on Tuesday suggests the company is no closer to meeting that goal. Instead of decreasing, its emissions increase by… Read More »

We’re accidentally cooling the planet, and it’s about to end

It is widely accepted that humans have been warming the planet by burning coal, oil, and natural gas for more than a century. The Earth has warmed almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, and the planet is poised to quickly surpass the hoped-for 1.5 degree Celsius warming limit. But few people… Read More »

Nitrous oxide emissions are also increasing as demand for manure and meat increases; But there are solutions

The role of food in climate change has emerged as one of the defining challenges of our age. The journey of a steak, fruit or salad from the vast agricultural lands to the plates on our table leaves a significant footprint on the environment. At the heart of this challenge is the extraordinary use of… Read More »

Warming ocean leaves coastal economies in hot water

Ocean-related tourism and recreation supports more than 320,000 jobs and $13.5 billion in goods and services in Florida. But in the summer of 2023, swimming in the ocean became much less appealing as water temperatures rose to 101 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius) off the coast of Miami. The future of some jobs and businesses in… Read More »

Planet-first diet reduces risk of premature death by almost a third, study says

Sign up for CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious, expert-supported nutritional lifestyle that will boost your lifelong health. Closely following a planet-friendly diet consisting mostly of fruits, vegetables and whole grains reduces the risk of premature death in humans by almost a third, while also significantly reducing the… Read More »

New report concludes human-caused global warming is at an all-time high

Last year alone, human activities such as burning coal for cheap energy caused our planet to warm by 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.34 Fahrenheit), according to a new report. Scientists say if we continue pumping heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at our current rate, we have about five years to push global warming beyond the… Read More »

Devastating floods in Brazil double as burning of fossil fuels and trees

The unusually intense, prolonged and extensive flooding that devastated southern Brazil was at least twice as likely to have been caused by human burning of fossil fuels and trees, a study has shown. The record disaster killed 169 people, destroyed homes and ruined harvests, and was worsened by deforestation, investment cuts and human shortages. The… Read More »

Community heating and cooling experiments in Massachusetts town

Jennifer and Eric Mauchan live in a Cape Cod-style house in Framingham, Massachusetts, which they cool with five air conditioners. In the summer months, the electricity bill for a 2,600 square meter house can reach $200. In the winter, natural gas heating often costs more than $300 a month, even if the temperature is set… Read More »

Tree rings show summer 2023 will be the hottest summer in the last 2000 years in the northern hemisphere

The summer of 2023 will be the hottest summer in the non-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere in 2000 years, a new study has shown. Surface air temperatures in June, July and August 2023 across this vast tract spanning Europe, Asia and North America were 2°C higher than the average summer temperature between AD 1… Read More »

131 million people in the US live in areas with unhealthy pollution levels, lung association finds

Nearly 40% of people in the United States live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution, and the country is facing a decline in clean air as the effects of climate change intensify, according to a new report from the American Lung Association. The organization’s report, its 25th annual analysis of the country’s “State… Read More »