Tag Archives: habitable planet

Venus is losing water faster than previously thought – here’s what this could mean for the early planet’s habitability.

Today, the atmosphere of our neighboring planet Venus is as hot as a pizza oven and drier than the driest desert on Earth; But it wasn’t always like this. Billions of years ago, Venus had as much water as Earth has today. If this water were liquid, Venus might once have been habitable. Over time,… Read More »

Venus is losing water faster than previously thought – here’s what this could mean for the early planet’s habitability.

Today, the atmosphere of our neighboring planet Venus is as hot as a pizza oven and drier than the driest desert on Earth; But it wasn’t always like this. Billions of years ago, Venus had as much water as Earth has today. If this water were liquid, Venus might once have been habitable. Over time,… Read More »

How could the greenhouse gas effect destroy the habitability of a planet, including Earth?

Using advanced computer simulations, scientists have shown how easily a runaway greenhouse effect can turn a habitable planet into a hellish world uninhabitable. “Not only does this research have implications for our understanding of extrasolar planets,”outer planets,” but also provides insight into the human-caused climate crisis on Earth. The team, consisting of astronomers from the… Read More »