Tag Archives: Hubble space telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope may have solved the mystery of a puffy planet. Here’s how

A surprisingly low reservoir of methane could explain how a planet around a nearby star has become strangely swollen, according to new observations. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST(). The finding shows that planets’ atmospheres can swell to significant amounts without using esoteric theories of planet formation, astronomers say. “The Webb data tells us that planets… Read More »

James Webb Space Telescope joins hunt for newborn exoplanets

Astronomers use the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to look for planets in the process of forming around baby stars. The powerful space telescope delivered the goods quickly, albeit unexpectedly. These baby planets are forming into swirling clumps of gas and dust called protoplanetary disks, accumulating more mass as they do so. Humanity has imaged… Read More »

Hubble Space Telescope finds a bucket of cosmic Easter eggs consisting of 500 blue and red stars

In December 2023, the Hubble Space Telescope completed its largest program since its launch in 1990. With this program, the telescope has made observations of 500 individual stars over three years, and scientists are now ready to dive into this cosmic Easter egg data. The comprehensive Hubble Telescope survey is called the Library of Ultraviolet… Read More »

What are the true colors of images from the James Webb Space Telescope?

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is known for capturing our universe with unprecedented sensitivity and sensitivity. His images are not only scientifically useful but also beautiful. Of blue and gold Southern Ring Nebula pink, orange and purple Cassiopeia A.JWST images show the universe in bright colors. The images are so impressive that you may… Read More »

Hubble Space Telescope finds ‘failed stars’ are also bad at relationships

You should feel for the brown dwarfs. Not only has their failure to ignite like normal stars earned them the unfortunate nickname (fail stars), but new findings from the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed that they can’t even maintain a relationship together. Brown dwarfs are celestial bodies formed when giant clouds of gas and dust,… Read More »

Hubble Telescope watches stormy weather and Jupiter’s shrinking Great Red Spot (video)

Gas giant Jupiter takes center stage in these two new portraits of opposing sides of the planet, showing swirling storms and turbulent cloud bands blown by winds blowing hundreds of kilometers per hour. Hubble space telescope He shot these images on January 5-6, 2024. Jupiter rotates every 10 hours, Hubble managed to image a hemisphere… Read More »

The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed that the grain of light seen by Hubble is actually a huge, ancient galaxy

What was little more than a speck of light to the Hubble Space Telescope turns out to be one of the oldest galaxies ever discovered — and it owes the finding to none other than Hubble’s little brother, the James Webb Space Telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope international “Glass” Collaboration has made detailed observations… Read More »