Tag Archives: internet service providers

Myanmar’s embattled military government blocks VPNs, hindering the free flow of news

BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s military government has launched a massive effort to block free communication on the internet and shut down access to virtual private networks, or VPNs, that can be used to bypass the blocking of banned websites and services. The initiative to restrict access to information began at the end of May, according… Read More »

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules (Again) in Repeat Battle Over Internet Regulation

It’s deja vu again in terms of net neutrality. On Thursday, the Democrat-dominated FCC voted along party lines to pass an order that would largely restore the agency’s net neutrality rules from a decade ago. The move reignites a long-running political battle over internet regulation, and cable and telecom operators are expected to file legal… Read More »

IP addresses of illegal streamers using ‘dangerous’ Amazon Firesticks could be passed on, authorities warn

There has been another development in the crackdown on Amazon Firesticks, which have been called ‘dangerous’. (Stock image: Getty) In the latest development for internet hackers, it may soon become easier for authorities to track down people using ‘dodgy’ Amazon TV Firesticks to watch content for free. A crackdown on pirates is being launched after… Read More »

Studios to Urge Congress to Pass Site-Blocking Legislation More than a Decade After Epic Hollywood-Silicon Valley Showdown

A top executive at the Motion Picture Association plans to urge lawmakers on Wednesday to pursue legislation to combat piracy through court-ordered site blocking; major studios believe this is necessary to prevent infringements originating from outside US jurisdiction. MPA is seeking legislation that would allow content companies to seek injunctive relief from a court requiring… Read More »