Tag Archives: John Cleese

The dark, unregulated world of anti-aging stem cell therapy

Stem cells are the new focus of the rich and famous; Hollywood stars reportedly spend tens of thousands of pounds each year on expensive treatments offered by specialist longevity clinics that promise to rejuvenate the aging body. The latest buyer, John Cleese, 84, revealed in an interview earlier this week that he was paying £17,000… Read More »

Rural metro stops disappearing from the map

Diesel British Rail train at North Weald station on the Epping Ongar Railway – Stephen Birch / Alamy Stock Photo/https://www.alamy.com The distinctive blue-and-white livery of a recently nationalized British Railway train can do funny things. Memories of torn seats, bent sandwiches, and incessant delays are, of course, a reaction. But for me, whose visions of… Read More »

How American hotels are failing their customers and why Europe is doing it right

The Goring Hotel in London is one of the most respected hotels in the world – Nick Rochowski Visiting America is fun; wide open spaces, spectacular landscapes, fascinating cities. But having missed the mark, according to many European travellers, the country’s hotels are less charming. Between minimalist service (check-in at the kiosk is great), loud… Read More »