Tag Archives: jupiter moon

Europa Clipper may need just 1 grain of ice to detect life on Jupiter’s ocean moon

A single grain of ice flew out Jupitermoon of the ocean Europeif caught by NASA’s soon to be caught European Clipper A new experiment suggests spacecraft might be enough to uncover evidence of life in space. “With suitable instruments such as the Surface Dust Analyzer on NASA’s Europa Clipper space probe, finding life or traces… Read More »

‘Snowball fight’ could help scientists find life on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Scientists hoping to find life in the oceans of liquid water beneath the cold, icy crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa may get help from the “cosmic snowball fight” that this world once engaged in. Europa has long been considered the most important location in the solar system to search for evidence of simple life (at… Read More »

NASA’s Juno spacecraft will provide its closest view yet of Jupiter’s moon Io on December 30.

NASA’s Juno mission will come closer to Jupiter’s moon Io on Saturday, December 30, than any spacecraft has in nearly 20 years. The flyby will bring Juno within about 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) of Io, the most volcanic body in the solar system. This will allow the spacecraft to look at Io in detail while… Read More »