Tag Archives: Kepler Space Telescope

Are they ekomoons or not? Scientists discuss existence of first moons seen beyond our solar system

Astronomers have always known that detecting moons around planets outside the solar system would be no easy task; but a debate currently raging in planetary science circles demonstrates how difficult it will be to detect these so-called ecomoons. The story begins in 2018, when astronomers including David Kipping, an assistant professor of astronomy at Columbia… Read More »

Not this month! Scientists doubt proposal to detect 1st ecomoons

New research has a pair of scientists channeling Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars: A New Hope in the detection of two moons orbiting planets outside the solar system. In short, they’re not sure that humanity’s first exomoon detections were accurate. In fact, the same findings also showed that echoeons in general can only manifest themselves… Read More »