Tag Archives: marine species

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are entering ocean ecosystems where dolphins, fish and manatees eat – we traced their origins

PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that have caused health concerns across the country, aren’t just a problem in drinking water. As these chemicals leak from faulty septic systems and landfills and wash over airport runways and farmland, they can eventually find their way into streams into ocean ecosystems where fish, dolphins, manatees, sharks and other marine… Read More »

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are entering ocean ecosystems where dolphins, fish and manatees eat – we traced their origins

The stability and resistance to degradation that make these chemicals valuable for water- and stain-resistant products also make them nearly impossible to destroy. Hence the nickname “forever chemicals”. They persist in the environment for decades to centuries. This is a problem because PFAS are linked to immunological disorders, endocrine, developmental, reproductive and neurological disruption, and… Read More »