Tag Archives: Mars Express

Is there really a huge underground lake near the south pole of Mars?

New computer simulations have cast doubt on the possibility of a lake of liquid water buried beneath Mars’ southern ice sheet; This simulation suggests that closely packed layers of ice can produce the same radar reflections as liquid water. In 2018, the European Space Agency Mars Express The orbiter used the MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar… Read More »

‘We thought it was impossible:’ Water frost discovered on Mars near Red Planet’s equator

Water frosts were seen for the first time at the equator of Mars. It was previously believed that frost was impossible in this region of the Red Planet, which is equivalent to the tropics. The discovery could be crucial for modeling where water is found on Mars and how water is exchanged between the Red… Read More »

Europe’s upcoming Mars rover now has a detailed map to aid the search for ancient Red Planet life (video)

We now have a better picture of where the European Space Agency is. Rosalind Franklin ExoMars rover He will drive when he lands. Anthem for the life-searching mission, thanks to a brand new geological map of the landing site. “This map is exciting because it’s a guide that shows us where to find the answers,”… Read More »

Giant Martian volcano discovered ‘hiding’ in plain sight

The Red Planet continues to surprise us. New research has revealed a giant volcano and possible buried glacial ice sheet. The location for this groundbreaking announcement is in the eastern part of the Tharsis volcanic field on Mars, near the planet’s equator. Due to its eroded, difficult-to-detect nature, the feature had been overlooked since Mariner… Read More »