Tag Archives: microwave limb siren

What Happens If NASA Loses Its Eyes on Earth? We’re about to find out.

Within the next few years, no one knows exactly when, three NASA satellites, each weighing as much as an elephant, will go dark. They are already drifting, slowly losing their height. They’ve been looking after the planet for more than two decades, much longer than anyone expected, helping us predict weather, manage wildfires, track oil… Read More »

What Happens If NASA Loses Its Eyes on Earth? We’re about to find out.

Within the next few years, no one knows exactly when, three NASA satellites, each weighing as much as an elephant, will go dark. They are already drifting, slowly losing their height. They’ve been looking after the planet for more than two decades, much longer than anyone expected, helping us predict weather, manage wildfires, track oil… Read More »