Tag Archives: Milky Way

Scientists finally found 2 of the Milky Way’s missing satellite galaxies. What could this mean for astronomy?

Astronomers have discovered two new satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, and the findings could help us better understand dark matter. Dark matter is the mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe but is effectively invisible to us. The discoveries also bring scientists one step closer to solving an… Read More »

How I used modern astronomy to investigate the ancient Egyptian sky goddess and her connection to the Milky Way.

This article was first published at: Speech. The publication was contributed to the article by Space.com. Expert Voices: Commentaries and Insights. Or Graur He is associate professor of Astrophysics at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation at the University of Portsmouth, honorary associate professor at University College London (UCL) and research fellow at the American… Read More »

How I used modern astronomy to investigate the ancient Egyptian sky goddess and her connection to the Milky Way.

What did our ancestors think when they looked at the night sky? All cultures have assigned special meaning to the Sun and Moon, but what about the pearly band of light and shadow we call the Milky Way? My latest research has shown an intriguing connection between the Egyptian goddess and the Milky Way. Scholars… Read More »

Ancient star streams that helped weave the Milky Way

The Gaia space telescope is revealing the history of the Milky Way by tracking the movements of billions of stars in our galaxy – and the spacecraft’s latest findings reveal this story more truly than ever before. Gaia has discovered two streams of ancient stars that appear to have come together 12 billion years ago,… Read More »

Scientists find record-breaking collection of molecules in 2 extremely old galaxies

A treasure trove of molecules has emerged in two galaxies that we see as they existed 12 billion years ago, revealing information about how ancient universes formed stars. APM 08279+5255, one of the distant galaxies quasar – active supermassive black hole The other galaxy, NCv1.143, is a more “normal” galaxy, with large amounts of gas… Read More »

After all, there are stars in a mysterious river of gas flowing into the Milky Way

A river of hydrogen gas flows outward from the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, two dwarf galaxies located on the outskirts of the Milky Way. The contents of this river, called the Magellanic Stream, have puzzled astronomers for decades. But now, for the first time, a team of researchers has been able to locate stars… Read More »