Tag Archives: observations

Webb observations point to giant asteroid collision in nearby planetary system

“James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” In The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. The show will premiere on Sunday, June 16 at 8pm ET/PT on CNN. A collision between giant asteroids may have occurred in a neighboring star system called Beta Pictoris in recent… Read More »

Webb observations point to giant asteroid collision in nearby planetary system

“James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” In The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. The show will premiere on Sunday, June 16 at 8pm ET/PT on CNN. A collision between giant asteroids may have occurred in a neighboring star system called Beta Pictoris in recent… Read More »

The James Webb Space Telescope may have solved the mystery of a puffy planet. Here’s how

A surprisingly low reservoir of methane could explain how a planet around a nearby star has become strangely swollen, according to new observations. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST(). The finding shows that planets’ atmospheres can swell to significant amounts without using esoteric theories of planet formation, astronomers say. “The Webb data tells us that planets… Read More »

Animals behave strangely during the eclipse. Here’s what you need to pay attention to next month

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. During the Great American Eclipse in 2017, the strange behavior of zoo animals surprised researchers; giraffes gathered and galloped, Galápagos tortoises began mating, and gorillas began to prepare for bed. These strange behaviors were just… Read More »

Scientists say 2 dwarf planets in the solar system may harbor underground oceans

Two dwarf planets in our solar system, Eris and Makemake, may exhibit enough geothermal activity to maintain oceans of liquid water within them, according to modeling describing new observations made with the James Webb Space Telescope. “We’re seeing some interesting signs of warm times in cool places,” said planetary geochemist Christopher Glein of the Texas… Read More »

Massive X-ray sky survey could ease crisis surrounding universe’s ‘lumpyness’

A new analysis of how galaxy clusters have evolved over the universe’s 13.8 billion-year history could help resolve long-standing tensions around the ‘lumpyness’ of our universe’s matter content. After all, it could also help scientists solve a number of other cosmic mysteries. The first data from the eROSITA all-sky survey of cosmic X-ray sources, which… Read More »

Event Horizon Telescope spies jets exploding from nearby supermassive black hole

Astronomers have observed a supermassive black hole in Earth’s cosmic backyard, shooting jets of matter at speeds close to the speed of light. These outbursts tell the story of the struggle for supremacy between magnetism and gravity. This discovery could help scientists better understand how black holes feed on matter and eject powerful jets that… Read More »