Tag Archives: photography

Using photography to reexamine our environment

The striking collection of photographic art presented in the Carnegie Museum of Art’s Expanding the Lens exhibition is a revision of the long tradition of landscape photography in the United States. It can be a very direct revision, like AK Burns’s reinvention of landscape photographs literally ripped out of photography books, or it can be… Read More »

Tim Hetherington at the Imperial War Museum

‘Doc’ Kelso is asleep. Korengal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan. July 2008. (© TIM HETHERINGTON FOR VANITY FAIR) The most important exhibition you’ll see in London this year isn’t in your Tates or White Cubes, but beyond naval guns, firearms and jeeps, it’s deep inside the Imperial War Museum. Storyteller: Tim Hetherington’s photographs are important because… Read More »

He worked in the dark, but now Saul Leiter is recognized as a true photography pioneer

Saul Leiter, Footprints, vol. 1950 – detail – Saul Leiter Foundation In 1947, when 24-year-old Saul Leiter first saw Henri Cartier-Bresson’s prints at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, photographers were happy to be considered photographers. Today’s longed-for ideal is the “artist” or the “artist who uses a camera”. But if Leiter is a consummate… Read More »