Tag Archives: quasars

How could 2 quasars from the beginning of time be Rosetta stones for the early universe?

Just 900 million years after the Big Bang, a pair of quasars have been discovered spiraling towards a massive merger, illuminating the “cosmic dawn”. They are the first quasar The couple was detected this far back in cosmic time. Quasars are growing rapidly supermassive black holes in the nuclei of the hyperactive galaxies. Showers of… Read More »

How do some black holes get so big? The James Webb Space Telescope may have an answer

Often the most exciting black hole news surrounds the biggest, baddest and most violent voids we can imagine. I’m talking about supermassive black holes with masses billions of times that of the Sun; Called quasars, they eat away at the matter around them and spew out the excess so aggressively that they create patterns of… Read More »