Tag Archives: resistance

Bacteria can develop resistance to drugs they have not encountered before; scientists discovered this decades ago in a classic experiment

However, keeping the test tube under conditions favorable for bacterial growth will cause the broth to become cloudy again over time. This shows that bacteria have developed resistance to phages and can multiply. What was the role of phages in this change? Some scientists thought that phages mutated bacteria to survive. Others have suggested that… Read More »

Animal resistance memes are everywhere – here’s why you shouldn’t be too quick to laugh at rebellious orcas and otters

Memes portray him wearing a beret similar to the one worn by socialist revolutionary Ché Guevara. One caption declares: “Accept our existence or wait for resistance… an otter world is possible.” My academy focuses on animal-human relationships through the prism of social justice. From what I’ve seen, the public’s glee about ruined surfboards and yachts… Read More »

Animal resistance memes are everywhere – here’s why you shouldn’t be too quick to laugh at rebellious orcas and otters

Numerous memes centered around the “orca revolution” have flooded the online world. They gleefully depict orcas attacking boats in the Strait of Gibraltar and off the Shetland coast. One particularly ingenious image shows an orca looking like an orca crossed with a hammer. The cheeky headline reads: “Eat the rich”, a reference to orcas’ penchant… Read More »

Scientists have been searching for superconductors for more than a century, but they haven’t yet found one that works at room temperature – 3 essential reads

If you haven’t heard of superconductors before 2023, you probably know what they are now. Researchers were puzzled at the beginning of the year by claims that superconductors were functional at room temperature, but none of these were proven, and a paper by researchers at the University of Rochester was retracted by the journal Nature… Read More »