Tag Archives: saltwater

New technology will capture CO2 from cargo ships and store it in the ocean

International shipping carries 80% of global trade and is responsible for around 3% of the world’s carbon emissions, but is not currently on track to meet climate targets. A year ago, the International Maritime Organization, the U.N. agency that regulates shipping, tightened emissions targets for the shipping industry, bringing it in line with other industries… Read More »

Scientists grow crops with salt water that could help save us from hunger

SaliCrop team from left to right: Oron Bet Or, Carmit Oron, Ṛcā Godbole, Sharon Devir, Shimon Rachmilevitch.Adam Sherry An agricultural technology company has developed an army of resilient crops by growing them with salt water. These crops are better at surviving in salty soils, a growing problem in our warming world. Saline soil affects more… Read More »