Tag Archives: Science

What Can the Legacy of Nutrition Facts Labels Tell Us About the Food We Eat?

The Nutrition Facts label, the black-and-white information box found on nearly every packaged food product in the United States since 1994, has recently become a symbol of consumer transparency. From Apple’s “Privacy Nutrition Labels” that explain how smartphone apps process user data to a “Garment Facts” label that standardizes ethical disclosures on clothing, policy advocates… Read More »

Average US Diet Is Improving, But Remains Less Ideal For Many

A new study of more than 50,000 people highlights the suboptimal quality of the average U.S. diet. Results of the study, conducted by the Food is Medicine Institute at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, show that more than 1 in 3 U.S. adults surveyed in 2020 had poor diet quality. Less… Read More »

UPF: Does overprocessed mean unhealthy?

Stop using the term ‘overly processed’ when talking about nutrition. This is the stance of researcher Jenny Chapman, who was recently awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate the adoption, acceptance and trust of plant-based meat products. Their findings, published earlier this month, build on surveys that suggest “over-processing” relationships are hindering the adoption of plant-based… Read More »

Partial substitution of animal protein foods with plant protein foods in Canadian diets; resulting in synergies and trade-offs between nutrition, health and climate outcomes

Willits-Smith, A., Aranda, R., Heller, MC & Rose, D. Addressing the carbon footprint, healthfulness, and costs of self-selected diets in the United States: a population-based cross-sectional study. Lancet Planet. Health 4e98–e106 (2020). Article PubMed PubMed Center Google Scholar Seves, SM, Verkaik-Kloosterman, J., Biesbroek, S. & Temme, EHM Are more environmentally sustainable diets with less meat… Read More »

The new year has sparked increased consumer interest in food and nutrition resolutions

How healthy is your overall diet overall? Do you think so… (January 2024). Credit: Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability Center New Year’s resolutions related to food or nutrition were more popular among consumers heading into 2024 than they were last year, according to the January Consumer Food Insights Report. This year, 25% of consumers answered… Read More »