Tag Archives: seaside town

I visited ‘the UK’s worst seaside town’ – it’s like Britain’s library of bad tattoos

I narrowly escaped winning a plastic lizard. That’s good, because otherwise I might have been attacked for it by a seething mob of septuagenarians. At 49, I’m the youngest person in the bingo hall in the last 10 to 20 years, and the other patrons look at me with veiled suspicion. It turns out Skegness… Read More »

East Timor is coming of age and has learned from Sri Lanka’s mistakes

East Timor, formerly East Timor, is one of the world’s great ocean destinations When I looked out from Wata Bo’o beach, I saw a calm blue sea, the water not rippling, only occasionally disturbed by the splash of a leaping silver fish. This tranquil tropical outpost a thousand miles east of Bali felt like it… Read More »