Tag Archives: service charge

Why it’s time to abolish tipping in British restaurants

“When you buy an iPhone for £1,000, you assume that Apple has covered its staff costs,” quips restaurateur Richard Crampton-Platt. “You don’t look at the receipt and see an additional ‘service charge’.” It’s ridiculous to even imagine such a thing, but that’s exactly what happens every time we go to a restaurant or bar. We… Read More »

Resident finds £500,000 fire chief ‘hiding’ in cupboard

Latitude 52 private apartment for night duty rental A firefighter who cost residents £500,000 has been accused of “hiding” in a cupboard while on duty to protect a block of flats following the Grenfell tragedy. A 24-hour “wake watch” was deployed to patrol Latitude 52, a seven-storey block in Plymouth, in 2021 after an inspection… Read More »