Tag Archives: social networks

Scientists determine ‘Kevin Bacon’s degrees’

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Many animal species form social groups and behave collectively: A herd of elephants follows their matriarch, birds in flocks fly together, people gather at concert events. Researchers found that even common fruit flies organize themselves… Read More »

Macaque monkeys shrink their social networks as they age; Research reveals evolutionary origins of a pattern also seen in older people

There are many changes that can come with old age; hair turns grey, eyesight is not what it used to be, mobility is often limited. But beyond these physiological changes, people also experience changes in their social world. As we get older, our social circles tend to shrink. Such declines in social networks have raised… Read More »

What Happened When Computers Learned to Read?

Credit – Getty Images C.Computers love to read. And before going to bed, this is not just fiction. They read voraciously: all kinds of literature, all the time – novels, encyclopedias, academic papers, private messages, advertisements, love letters, news, hate speech and crime reports – everything written and transmitted, no matter how trivial. This digested… Read More »