Tag Archives: solar flare

Powerful solar storm shows radiation will be real challenge for Mars colonists

The same massive sunspot responsible for triggering a historic geomagnetic storm on Earth in mid-May triggered a legendary storm for Mars a few days later. On May 20, data from Europe’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft showed that the predicted X12 solar flare was the strongest type. on the glare classification scale – AR3664 exploded from a… Read More »

Scientists find strange connection between solar mystery and feeding of black holes

New research has revealed that the secrets of the Sun’s magnetic field, which has remained a mystery for four centuries, may be close to its surface. The sun’s magnetic field is responsible for producing dark spots called sunspots, explosive solar flares, and even explosive eruptions called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). However, since astronomers began investigating… Read More »

How do you predict a solar storm? Space weather experts explain

It was quite an amazing moment for those who had the opportunity to see the aurora this weekend. But while seeing the aurora borealis is thrilling and exciting for us, the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and geomagnetic storms that make these light shows possible can also wreak havoc on some of the technologies that are… Read More »

Behemoth sunspot AR3664 unleashed the largest solar flare ever, causing radio blackouts on Earth (video)

He went and did it again. Massive sunspot AR3664 has unleashed the most powerful solar flare ever, and Earth is once again in the line of fire. The X3.98 burst peaked early this morning (May 10) at 02:54 (0654 GMT) and triggered a temporary or complete loss of high-frequency (HF) radio signals across Asia, Eastern… Read More »

Giant 15-Earth-wide sunspot explodes with another massive X-class solar flare (video)

AR3664 is no ordinary sunspot. The giant dark region on the Sun’s surface has ballooned in recent days, becoming one of the largest and most active regions. sunspots I saw it solar cycle. AR3664 came to the attention of scientists earlier this week when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center… Read More »

M9.5 explosion causes radio blackouts in Pacific (video)

Last night (April 30), the sun created an extremely powerful solar flare that triggered widespread radio blackouts in the Pacific region. The flare peaked at 7:46 PM EDT (2346 GMT) and ended shortly after at 7:58 PM EDT (2358 GMT). sunlight explosions Sunits surface emits intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. They are created when magnetic… Read More »

Star detectives find suspect for incredibly powerful ‘super flares’

Our Sun is known for occasional bursts of energy called solar flares, which can trigger space weather that can disrupt communications and power infrastructure on Earth. But we should really be grateful that we don’t exist around a star that explodes in so-called “superbursts,” which can be 100 to 10,000 times more energetic than even… Read More »