Tag Archives: supernovae

‘Supernova exploration machine’ James Webb Space Telescope finds farthest stellar explosion on record

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is quite the cosmic detective when it comes to hunting down the explosive deaths of massive stars in the early universe. This celestial Sherlock Holmes found evidence of 80 new early supernovae in a swath of the sky as wide as a grain of rice held at arm’s length.… Read More »

James Webb Space Telescope sees the infrared skeleton of a galaxy (image)

The James Webb Space Telescope’s infrared view has transformed our view of the large, barred spiral galaxy, revealing its skeleton of dust illuminated by the glow of young stars. Visible light images of NGC 1559, such as those taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, show a bright swirl of light, with clusters of bright, young… Read More »

Decade-long Dark Energy Survey provides new insight into the expansion of the universe

Surveys of more than 1,500 supernovae conducted by the Dark Energy Camera have established strong constraints on the accelerating expansion of the universe. The results show that the mysterious force driving this cosmic acceleration, dark energy, can change in density over time, challenging the standard model of cosmology. Relating to: Dark energy remains a mystery… Read More »

Warped supernova detected by James Webb Space Telescope could settle a long-standing debate

two supernovaeS It could be vital in revealing the expansion rate of the universe in a galaxy, and in a galaxy so distant that we see it as it was 10 billion years ago. This is a measurement that has created some tension in the scientific community. The galaxy and two supernovae were imaged by… Read More »

The smallest galaxies of our universe contain the largest star factories. Here’s why

Some of the largest, densest regions of star formation are found in the smallest galaxies, and scientists believe this is because stars that reach the end of their lives in so-called dwarf galaxies are more likely to collapse into black holes rather than explode. supernovae. The team says that the contrast is large enough that… Read More »