Tag Archives: surface water

SpaceX Starship landings could contaminate water ice on the Moon

The call from the moon is clear – try to find my water ice. There’s a possibility that large amounts of water ice could be lurking at the bottom of craters at the Moon’s south pole. Pardon my cosmic jargon but these extremely cold features – “where Sun “don’t shine” – labeled permanently shadowed regions,… Read More »

Is the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? The history of icebergs reveals some clues

When people think about the risks of climate change, the idea of ​​sudden change sounds pretty scary. Movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” feed into this fear with images of populations fleeing to escape unimaginable storms and rapidly changing temperatures. While Hollywood clearly takes liberties with the pace and magnitude of disasters, some recent studies… Read More »

Is the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? The history of icebergs reveals some clues

When people think about the risks of climate change, the idea of ​​sudden change sounds pretty scary. Movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” feed into this fear with images of populations fleeing to escape unimaginable storms and rapidly changing temperatures. While Hollywood clearly takes liberties with the pace and magnitude of disasters, some recent studies… Read More »

El Niño begins an inevitable retreat, like water flowing in a giant bathtub

A few weeks ago the Australian Bureau of Meteorology announced that the Pacific Ocean was no longer in El Niño condition and had returned to “neutral”. American scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were more hesitant, but they estimate there is an 85% chance that the Pacific will enter a neutral state within… Read More »

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are entering ocean ecosystems where dolphins, fish and manatees eat – we traced their origins

PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that have caused health concerns across the country, aren’t just a problem in drinking water. As these chemicals leak from faulty septic systems and landfills and wash over airport runways and farmland, they can eventually find their way into streams into ocean ecosystems where fish, dolphins, manatees, sharks and other marine… Read More »

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are entering ocean ecosystems where dolphins, fish and manatees eat – we traced their origins

The stability and resistance to degradation that make these chemicals valuable for water- and stain-resistant products also make them nearly impossible to destroy. Hence the nickname “forever chemicals”. They persist in the environment for decades to centuries. This is a problem because PFAS are linked to immunological disorders, endocrine, developmental, reproductive and neurological disruption, and… Read More »