Tag Archives: tau neutrino

IceCube researchers detect rare type of energetic neutrinos sent from powerful astronomical objects

About a trillion tiny particles called neutrinos pass through you every second. These “remnant” neutrinos created during the Big Bang exist throughout the universe, but they can’t harm you. In fact, in your entire life, only one of them is likely to touch an atom in your body. Most neutrinos produced by objects such as… Read More »

Scientists may have caught 7 exotic ‘ghost particles’ piercing the Earth

Astronomers using the IceCube observatory, buried deep in the ice at the south pole, have identified seven elusive and exotic “ghost particle” candidates as they pass Earth. The signals indicate that these particles are astrophysical tau neutrinos; They act as important messengers between us and powerful, high-energy celestial events. Neutrinos are chargeless, nearly massless particles… Read More »