Tag Archives: testosterone

Not everyone is male or female; Growing debate over gender determination

Look at your birth certificate and you will surely see a designation for gender. When you were born, a doctor or clinician assigned you the label “male” or “female” by looking at your genitals. In the United States, this has been standard practice for over a century. But determining gender isn’t as simple as a… Read More »

Saturated fats in the diet may affect male hormone levels, new study shows

In a recently published study European Journal of Clinical Nutritionresearchers investigated the relationship between dietary fatty acid consumption and serological steroid hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and testosterone levels in middle-aged male residents of Eastern Finland. Study: Dietary fat quality and serum androgen concentrations in middle-aged men. Image Credit: val lawless / Shutterstock Background Serum testosterone… Read More »