Tag Archives: thermonuclear explosion

The star that exploded like a nuclear bomb still raises questions half a century later

What happened after the thermonuclear explosion? binary star System observed approximately 3,400 light-years away Hubble space telescope. HM Sagittae, or HM Sge for short, is a system known as the symbiotic system. white dwarf feeding on a friend red giant star. The stolen material forms an accretion disk orbiting the white dwarf. If too much… Read More »

‘Vampire’ neutron star explosions involve jets traveling at speeds close to the speed of light

A neutron star is the remains of a once massive star that died in a supernova explosion. As a whole, neutron stars are considered some of the most extreme objects in the known universe – and this is especially true when these incredibly dense stellar remnants exist alongside companion stars (that are not yet “dead”)… Read More »

These supernovae create a storm, contributing to cosmic life and death

Astronomers have discovered a hitherto unknown source of cosmic dust. Why is it important to keep track of this powder? These particles basically serve as building blocks for stars. The international team found that such dust could be created by a type of cosmic explosion that occurs when a dead white dwarf star ejects material… Read More »