Tag Archives: Tiangong space station

How have spaceflights changed since 1999?

Space travel has evolved tremendously over the last quarter century, moving from government-led missions of exploration to a more dynamic and commercially focused field. In 1999, there were 79 orbital launch attempts, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) tests. Most of the tasks were performed by respected people space shuttleThe Delta and Soyuz rockets are led… Read More »

Space weather can make satellite orbits difficult to predict. That’s why there’s a problem

Satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) can drift hundreds of kilometers out of their expected orbits when hit by bad space weather. The problem affects the International Space Station, China’s Tiangong space station, and many Earth observation satellites that require close monitoring of our planet. This positioning uncertainty increases the risk of dangerous orbital collisions,… Read More »