Tag Archives: Tim O’Brien

Trump rebrands his nonsense as ‘I weave’ – but is he losing his mind?

For those who have been surprised by Donald Trump’s convoluted rhetoric at his recent political rallies, such as electrocution, bacon sales and cannibal killers, the former US president has an explanation. Trump assured supporters in Pennsylvania on Saturday that what appeared to be incoherent ramblings, with his frequent deviations from his scripted speeches, were actually… Read More »

Little-known bacteria behind rising cancer rates in under-40s

Global cancer cases in under-50s are rising rapidly, rising by 79 percent between 1990 and 2019 Last year, speakers at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the world’s most important cancer conference, came with a dire warning. They noted that rates of colorectal cancer are rising rapidly in those in their… Read More »