Tag Archives: tipping point

Critical Atlantic Ocean current system shows early signs of collapse, prompting scientists’ warning

A crucial system of ocean currents may be on its way to collapse, with alarming consequences for sea level rise and global weather, according to a new report; This can cause temperatures to drop dramatically in some areas and rise in others. Using extraordinarily complex and expensive computing systems, scientists have found a new way… Read More »

Critical Atlantic Ocean current system shows early signs of collapse, prompting scientists’ warning

A crucial system of ocean currents may be on its way to collapse, with alarming consequences for sea level rise and global weather, according to a new report; This can cause temperatures to drop dramatically in some areas and rise in others. Using extraordinarily complex and expensive computing systems, scientists have found a new way… Read More »

The Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a turning point; Study shows we’ll see extreme climate change in decades after melting glaciers block Gulf Stream

Superstorms, sudden climate changes, and New York City is covered in ice. This is how the blockbuster Hollywood movie “The Day After Tomorrow” depicted the sudden closure of the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean and its disastrous consequences. While Hollywood’s vision was at its peak, the 2004 film raised a serious question: How sudden and… Read More »

Atlantic Ocean current system approaching ‘cliff-like’ tipping point, could collapse, study says

A sudden halt to Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze looks slightly more likely and closer than before, with a sophisticated new computer simulation finding a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future. The long-worried nightmare scenario triggered by the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet due to… Read More »

Atlantic Ocean current system approaching ‘cliff-like’ tipping point, could collapse, study says

A sudden halt to Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze looks slightly more likely and closer than before, with a sophisticated new computer simulation finding a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future. The long-worried nightmare scenario triggered by the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet due to… Read More »