Tag Archives: University of Bern

Water frost detected in Martian volcanoes, an ‘unexpected’ first

The equatorial region of Mars is home to the solar system’s tallest volcanoes; These volcanoes, which in some cases extend up to three heights of Mount Everest, are also likely hiding an unexpected frost event, according to a new study. The largest – Olympus Mons – is 16 miles (26 kilometers) high and 374 miles… Read More »

Water frost detected in Martian volcanoes, an ‘unexpected’ first

The equatorial region of Mars is home to the solar system’s tallest volcanoes; These volcanoes, which in some cases extend up to three heights of Mount Everest, are also likely hiding an unexpected frost event, according to a new study. The largest – Olympus Mons – is 16 miles (26 kilometers) high and 374 miles… Read More »

‘We thought it was impossible:’ Water frost discovered on Mars near Red Planet’s equator

Water frosts were seen for the first time at the equator of Mars. It was previously believed that frost was impossible in this region of the Red Planet, which is equivalent to the tropics. The discovery could be crucial for modeling where water is found on Mars and how water is exchanged between the Red… Read More »