Tag Archives: urban areas

As the human population grows, people and wildlife will share more living space around the world

Human-wildlife overlap is projected to increase across more than half of all land areas worldwide by 2070. The primary driver of these changes is human population growth. That’s the key finding of our newly published study in the journal Science Advances. Our research suggests that as the human population grows, people and animals will share… Read More »

Artificial light attracts migratory birds to cities where they face threats

Light pollution has become increasingly concentrated and expanded in urban areas, and with the advent of LED lighting, it is increasing by up to 10% per year in North America based on the visibility of stars in the night sky. In our latest research, we found that glow from cities and urban slums can strongly… Read More »

Artificial light attracts migratory birds to cities where they face threats

Light pollution has become increasingly concentrated and expanded in urban areas, and with the advent of LED lighting, it is increasing by up to 10% per year in North America based on the visibility of stars in the night sky. In our latest research, we found that glow from cities and urban slums can strongly… Read More »

Artificial light attracts migratory birds to cities where they face threats

Light pollution has become increasingly concentrated and expanded in urban areas, and with the advent of LED lighting, it is increasing by up to 10% per year in North America based on the visibility of stars in the night sky. In our latest research, we found that glare from cities and urban slums can strongly… Read More »