The countryside was cut off when rural 3G was shut down

By | April 21, 2024

Leading rural organizations have warned that rural areas are being cut off due to mobile phone networks losing their 3G signal.

The UK’s mobile networks have begun shutting down 3G services that allow people to use the internet in preparation for the rollout of 5G.

But Ofcom data shows 7 per cent of Britain, almost all of them in rural areas, do not have access to 5G networks, which are replacing 4G and 3G.

Rural groups say people living in rural areas are being left alone as farmers are left without location services as a result of an accident, and the power outage will put lives at risk.

Networks and regulators are facing calls to halt the shutdown until 4G coverage is improved to prevent rural blackspots from rising.

“It is important that significant steps are taken to prevent a situation where rural businesses are disconnected from 3G without reliable 4G coverage,” said NFU vice president Rachel Hallos.

“In many parts of the countryside, unreliable mobile signals prevent farmers from carrying out efficient and productive farming operations.

“It can also make it impossible for farmers to communicate in times of crisis.”

Telegram analysis of Ofcom data provided by mobile networks shows that the shutdown will reduce access to data services by up to 11 per cent.

The worst affected area is Copeland in Cumbria, followed by Dwyfor Meirionnydd and Montgomeryshire.

But mobile networks also acknowledged that official data likely underestimated the lack of connectivity, which could be affected by rain, leaves growing on trees or house extensions.

Official data shows that under current 4G coverage levels, an extra 2 per cent of the country would be thrown into a data blackspot by shutting down 3G.

The heads of two leading rural groups that use Vodafone told The Telegraph that their access to mobile internet has decreased significantly since the 3G shutdown.

This is despite Ofcom’s coverage checker suggesting they have good coverage.

Vodafone and EE are the first networks to complete a full network-wide 3G shutdown; Three will start this month and O2 will be completed next year.

The four main providers also share 3G services with smaller networks including GiffGaff and Tesco Mobile.

‘4G is not available in some rural areas’

The timeline for the closure was set by the networks after the Government set the original deadline at 2033.

The networks say calls should still be possible over the 2G network, but new phones may not be able to access it.

Former rural affairs secretary George Eustice said Ofcom should “consider requiring providers to maintain 3G in some rural areas until 4G is available”.

“Everyone agrees that switching to 4G and 5G will be better for consumers, but we cannot ignore the fact that 4G is not available in some rural areas,” he said.

The so-called Shared Rural Network, an initiative funded by government and industry to boost 4G capacity in rural areas, has stalled as Vodafone, O2 and Three sought a two-year extension for the first phase.

Country and Land Cooperation President Victoria Vyvyan said network operators had a responsibility to provide access to ensure communities stayed connected.

“3G must remain where 4G is not available, otherwise rural communities will fall victim to the worst kind of digital exclusion,” he said.

“Entrepreneurs will have a harder time growing their businesses, people will feel more isolated, and even lives will be put at risk with the public having nowhere to turn if they are injured in remote areas outside the scope of emergency services.”

Martin Lines, chief executive of the Green Farming Network, said most coverage had been lost since 3G was switched off at his farm in St Neots, despite being just 15 miles from the center of Cambridge.

“We could deliver 3G almost everywhere, but one day it disappeared,” he said.

‘When my data is lost, I disappear too’

Mr. Lines uses the internet as a safety tool to ensure that if he has an accident on his 400-acre farm, he can communicate his exact location to family or emergency services.

“When my data disappears, I disappear too,” he said. “This left us in a really vulnerable position.”

This has affected his ability to do business, he said, as he cannot access crop reports, weather forecasts or use high-tech farming equipment in some areas of his farm.

Julia Aglionby, a contract researcher in Cumbria, said she had noticed a “huge difference” since the Vodafone 3G service was shut down.

While running for office as the Liberal Democrat candidate, Dr. left his position as chairman of the Common Land Trust. “There is no news,” Aglionby said.

“This is something I hear from people on a daily basis,” he said.

The lack of internet has affected people receiving flood warnings, accessing chat helplines or running errands.

“There are real financial costs as well as safety concerns,” he said. “You don’t have the functionality to do business.”

The Local Government Association has previously accused mobile networks of “doing their own homework” and relying on optimistic modeling to give 4G coverage figures.

A spokesperson for the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology said: “Everyone should have access to fast and reliable mobile connectivity, no matter where they live – and we continue to engage with the industry to ensure customers gradually transition away from 3G.” Don’t lose access to a suitable network.

“4G coverage is already available in 93 per cent of the country and we are spending £1bn to end patchy connectivity in rural areas.

“We expect coverage to increase to 95 per cent of the UK territory by 2025 and we are on track to achieve this target.”

A spokesperson for the mobile networks said: “Mobile phone coverage is affected by a number of variables including weather, seasonal leaf growth, how buildings are constructed and local topography.

“Coverage reports provided by Ofcom act as a guide to coverage.”

They added: “The phased shutdown, where 3G will be switched off first and then 2G, will ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

“While 2G networks will continue to provide access to calls and messages, the redesign of the spectrum used by 3G for 4G and 5G services will provide a much improved service, additional capacity, full mobile internet and additional service capabilities.”

A spokesperson for Vodafone said: “Making this change will allow us to shift the 3G radio spectrum to improve our 4G and 5G services across the UK.

“If any of our customers still have concerns, we encourage them to contact us.”

‘We will follow the process closely’

An Ofcom spokesman said: “Mobile operators have decided to switch off 3G to make room for faster 4G and 5G services, and two have already completed this.

“We have set clear expectations for providers to minimize the impact on customers and will continue to monitor the process closely.

“The coverage data given to us by mobile operators paints a generally good picture, but this is not a guarantee. “We carry out regular testing to ensure operators’ predictions are as accurate as possible.”

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