The Key to Long-Term Weight Loss on Low-Carb Diets is the Quality of Food, Not Just the Quantity

By | December 31, 2023

Variants of the low-carb diet have been popular ways to lose weight, but a new study shows that it’s not just the amount of carbohydrates, fat, and protein that makes a difference in weight loss, but the quality of the food, too.

Research published on December 27, 2023 JAMA Network Openfollowed participants for decades to learn how five different types of low-carb diets affected weight.

“The most important takeaway from our study is that not all low-carb diets are created equal when it comes to long-term weight control; the quality of the food matters a lot,” says the study’s lead author, Binkai Liu, PhD. He is a research assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

Researchers found that a small portion of carbohydrates that are low in carbohydrates but high in quality protein, high in fat, and from healthy plant-based sources such as whole grains and beans are linked to slower weight gain. “On the other hand, low-carb diets rich in animal proteins and fats or refined carbohydrates, such as red and processed meat, dairy products, and sugar-sweetened beverages, can lead to faster weight gain,” says Dr. Liu .

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