We designed worm-like, limbless robots that navigate obstacle courses; they may one day be used for search and rescue

By | February 14, 2024

Arm and legless robots may not need many complex algorithms when they have mechanical intelligence. Tianyu Wang

Scientists have been trying to build snake-like, limbless robots for decades. These robots can be useful in search and rescue situations, where they can navigate collapsed buildings to find and assist survivors.

Limbless robots with thin, flexible bodies can easily navigate confined and complex spaces, such as debris fields, where walking or wheeled robots and human rescuers tend to fail.

But even the most advanced limbless robots haven’t come close to moving through difficult terrain with the agility and versatility of worms and snakes. Even tiny nematode worms Caenorhabditis elegansHaving a relatively simple nervous system, humans can navigate challenging physical environments.

As part of a team of roboticists and physicists, we wanted to investigate this difference in performance. But instead of looking to neuroscience for the answer, we turned to biomechanics.

We set out to create a robot model that moves its body using a mechanism similar to how worms and snakes power their movements.

Ripples and mechanical intelligence

Over thousands of years, organisms have developed complex nervous systems that allow them to sense their physical environment, process this information, and perform precise body movements to navigate around obstacles.

In the field of robotics, engineers design algorithms that receive information from sensors in the robot’s body (a type of robotic nervous system) and use this information to decide how to move. These algorithms and systems are often complex.

Our team wanted to find a way to simplify these systems by emphasizing mechanically controlled approaches to dealing with obstacles that do not require sensors or computation. To do this, we turned to examples from biology.

Animals do not rely solely on their neurons (brain cells and peripheral nerves) to control movement. They also use physical characteristics of their bodies (e.g. the flexibility of their muscles) to help them spontaneously respond to their environment, before the neurons even have a chance to respond.

While computational systems are governed by the laws of mathematics, mechanical systems are governed by physics. To accomplish the same task, scientists can either design an algorithm or carefully design a physical system.

For example, limbless robots and animals move around the world by bending parts of their bodies left and right, a type of movement called undulation. When they hit an obstacle, they have to turn around and lean more to one side.

Scientists can achieve this by attaching sensors to a robot’s head or body. They can then design an algorithm that tells the robot to turn back or go around the obstacle when a large enough force is “felt” in its head or body.

Alternatively, scientists can carefully choose the robot’s materials and the layout and power of its motors so that collisions can create a body shape that leads to spontaneous rotation. This robot will have what scientists call “mechanical intelligence.”

If scientists like us can understand how organisms’ bodies mechanically respond to contact with objects in their environment, we can design better robots that can deal with obstacles without having to program complex algorithms.

If you compare a diverse set of wavy organisms with a growing menagerie of robotic “snakes,” one difference between robots and biological undulators stands out. Nearly all wavy robots bend their bodies using a series of connected parts with motors at each joint. But living organisms do not bend this way.

In contrast, all limbless organisms, from large snakes to microscopic nematodes, perform bending not through a single rotary joint-motor system, but through two muscle bands on each side of the body. To an engineer, this design seems counterintuitive. Why control something with two muscles or motors when you can do the same thing?

Nematodes have two muscle bands on the sides of their bodies that control movement.  Ralf J. Sommer and WormAtlasNematodes have two muscle bands on the sides of their bodies that control movement.  Ralf J. Sommer and WormAtlas

Nematodes have two muscle bands on the sides of their bodies that control movement. Ralf J. Sommer and WormAtlas

To get to the bottom of this problem, our team built a new mechanically intelligent limbless robot called MILLR, inspired by two bands of muscle on snakes and worms. MILLR has two independently controlled cables that pull each joint bilaterally left and right.

MILLR's design nematode <em>Inspired by C.  elegance</em>.  Tianyu Wang” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/VtpM_oCicX6PupOMkofb6Q–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTQzOQ–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_conversation_us_articles_815/de3f9369eb 11ef1c7a36184eeda93bfb” /><img alt=
MILLR's design allows it to crawl over obstacles like worms do.  Tianyu Wang and Christopher Pierce

MILLR’s design allows it to crawl over obstacles like worms do. Tianyu Wang and Christopher Pierce

By varying the amount of slack in the cables we can achieve varying degrees of body stiffness. When the robot collides with an obstacle, it selectively maintains its shape or bends under the force of the obstacle, depending on the cable tension.

We found that if the robot is actively leaning to one side and is subjected to a force in the same direction, the body adapts to this force and leans more. Alternatively, when the robot encounters a force that opposes bending, it will remain rigid and push itself over the obstacle.

Because of the pattern of tension in the body, head-on collisions that would normally cause the robot to stop moving or pinch itself naturally caused it to reorient around the obstacle. The robot could constantly push itself forward.

testing MILLR

To investigate the benefits of mechanical intelligence, we created small obstacle courses and sent nematode worms through them to see how well they performed. We also sent MILLR to a similar course and compared the results.

MILLR completed its course almost as effectively as real worms. We noticed that worms make the same kind of body movements as MILLR does when they collide with obstacles.

The principles of mechanical intelligence may extend beyond the limits of nematodes. Future research could look at designing robots based on other types of organisms for applications ranging from search and rescue to exploring other planets.

This article is republished from The Conversation, an independent, nonprofit news organization providing facts and analysis to help you understand our complex world.

Written by: Tianyu Wang, Georgian Institute of Technology and Christopher Pierce, Georgian Institute of Technology.

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This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Living Systems Physics Student Research Network, the NSF-Simons Southeastern Center for Mathematics and Biology, an Army Office of Research Fellowship, and the Dunn Family Professorship.