What does this mean for the region and what happens next?

By | June 22, 2024

The Cape York peninsula is one of the most unique places on earth: Australia’s northern tip boasts untouched wilderness, hosts important First Nations cultural sites and provides a refuge for hundreds of threatened species.

This week the Australian and Queensland governments took the important step of nominating parts of the region – Cape York’s “cultural landscapes” – for the Unesco world heritage list.

The region is now on Unesco’s “tentative” list.

Is Cape York heritage listed now?

Approximately 4 million hectares (9.9 million acres) of Cape York (roughly 35% of the region’s land area) are designated as national parkland and are part of “protected estates” managed jointly by traditional owners and governments. These protected areas provide environmental and cultural protection.

Relating to: ‘This is monumental’: Australia takes first step towards world heritage nomination for parts of Cape York

Land ownership in Cape York is otherwise complex. Large parts of it are covered with pastoral features. Traditional owners hold native title rights over approximately 45% of the area, but this designation does not necessarily protect the land from industry or development.

An increase in mining speculation in recent years has raised concerns that authorities should step up efforts to expand protected land, especially in areas of strong ecological or cultural value.

What is a “provisional” listing?

The “provisional” listing is the first step towards full world heritage listing. Countries can place sites on UNESCO’s tentative list, and they must remain on the list for one year before being nominated for world heritage.

Australia’s provisional listing submission is meant as a signal to Unesco that the Commonwealth and Queensland governments are “committed to carrying out the work necessary to advance its world heritage candidacy”.

The submission includes evidence that Cape York meets some of the 10 criteria for listing.

How much of the Cape does it cover?

Governments say the exact boundaries of any world heritage listing will take years to negotiate and will depend on the agreement and “free, prior and informed consent” of relevant traditional owners.

The area submitted for provisional listing falls entirely within Quinkan Country, where six national parks (Kulla, Ma’alpiku, Olkola, Oyala Thumotang and Wuthathi) and ancient rock art exhibits are protected.

The listed area will likely consist of several unconnected parcels – a “serial” world heritage property.

What will this mean for land ownership in the region?

The Queensland government has gone to significant lengths to emphasize that world heritage listing will not override Australian land ownership rules, particularly in relation to pastoral properties.

These leases can even be extended if “the land is deemed to be in good condition and managed to preserve significant values.”

What will it mean for tourism? Can you still go?

Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said the main reason behind the candidacy was to encourage more tourism.

“We want this to be on the bucket list of visitors from around the world because it is such a special place,” he said.

World heritage sites have become major attractions for tourists globally and listing will not impose any restrictions on visitation.

But the Cape remains difficult to access – despite its unique natural and cultural environment – ​​and does not currently attract the numbers of tourists to rival other areas such as the wet tropics, K’gari or other national parks.

Tourism Tropical North says additional investment in basic infrastructure such as restrooms, more ranger programs and an extension of the tourist season is needed.

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“When the world heritage list is announced, it will attract the attention of visitors globally, but converting this interest into visits will depend on the quality of the visitor experience, and this is what directs us to the future,” he said in the statement.

Adj Prof Jon Day, world heritage expert from James Cook University, said listing could often be bad for tourism.

“[It] It can often be the worst thing for tourism,” he told the ABC.

“The World Heritage listing of any property is like a magnet for people saying ‘oh, that must be impressive’.”

However, he said this could cause problems if there are not enough resources to manage the number of tourists.

“Venice has now imposed restrictions and new fees on tourists because the influx of visitors is straining the infrastructure,” he said.

What will happen now?

The Queensland government says the next steps will include further engagement with traditional owner groups, landowners and other stakeholders to contribute to the nomination process.

Application to the world heritage list is a very detailed process; applicants are required to identify and document values ​​that meet Unesco criteria.

Because much of the land is protected by First Nations people from many different traditional owner groups, there will be “multiple approval decision points” throughout the process, and groups can “opt out or opt in at any time.”

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