What is biodiversity and why is it important? Here’s what you need to know.

By | April 22, 2024

The Earth is home to millions of discovered plant and animal species, and many more are not yet known. They all play vital roles in each other, their ecosystems, and the overall health of the planet, creating what is known as biodiversity.

So what exactly is biodiversity? This is a shortened version of two scientific terms: biodiversity. Essentially what this means is having a variety of creatures. According to the Smithsonian, there are three main levels of biodiversity that scientists typically talk about; including species, genetic and ecosystem diversity. Under these categories, researchers try to determine what and how many species are around, what the genetic structure of these species is and how they are passed down, and what the species populations are in various environments such as waterways and forests.

“These levels are inseparable,” says the Smithsonian. “Each is important, interacts with and affects the others. A change in one changes at the other levels.”

Why is biodiversity important?

A species’ ability to thrive is necessary not only for its own survival but, in many cases, for the survival of others as well. One of the clearest examples of this is bumblebees. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are 49 species of bumblebees throughout the United States, and all of them will travel from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen as they go. Not only does this help feed individual bees, but the transport of nectar and pollen also helps plant species thrive.

But studies have found that climate change threatens their survival, and researchers have found that the likelihood of a bumblebee population surviving has increased. decreased by an average of 30 percent within a single generation of people.

honey bees It also has a vital role in terms of biodiversity. USDA says they help support the survival of more than 130 agricultural crops by pollinating $15 billion worth of crops each year. The honey they produce, which people love and grow with pleasure, is worth millions.

What is biodiversity loss?

As important as biodiversity, under significant threat. one in 2019 United Nations While the report found that nearly 1 million plant and animal species may be at risk of extinction, a more recent report reveals an even more dire situation: up to 6 million species are likely to become extinct in the next 50 years.

“Major direct threats to biodiversity include habitat loss and fragmentation, unsustainable resource use, invasive species, pollution, and global climate change,” says the American Museum of Natural History. “The underlying causes of biodiversity loss, such as increasing human populations and overconsumption, are often complex and result from many interrelated factors.”

How many species are there?

Scientists estimate that there are approximately 8.7 million species of plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms on Earth, including approximately 2.2 million species that live in the world’s oceans. But even this number is low compared to the actual amount of life on the planet.

“Despite 250 years of taxonomic classification and more than 1.2 million species currently cataloged in a central database, our results show that approximately 86% of extant species on Earth and 91% of species in the oceans still remain to be described,” the researchers said. 2011 study. “Further research and renewed interest in classification are needed if this significant gap in our knowledge about life on Earth is to be closed.”

However, new species are constantly being discovered. Scientists at London’s Natural History Museum say they have uncovered 815 new species, from lizards to algae and swamp eels, by 2023. And that’s just a group of scientists.

Thousands of other species have been discovered since Earth Day 2023. 5,500 species In one region, the Clarion-Clipperton Region between Hawaii and Mexico. Researchers also found new species. eyelashA. deep water catfishONE “electric” blue tarantulaand one deep sea octopus.

“But the bad news is that biodiversity is declining,” says the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUNC) Red List, the world’s most comprehensive list of species conservation status.

There are more than 157,100 species on the Red List; among them are 44,000 of the group. in danger of extinction – More than a quarter of all species assessed by the IUCN.

How to help and protect biodiversity?

While species decline remains a serious ongoing problem, there are things everyone can do to help what’s happening in their own backyard.

For example, if you have a garden, choosing native plants and wildflowers can be a great support for the local ecosystem. Native plants that grow naturally in an area are vital to the area’s biological network, helping to reduce the amount of fertilizers and pesticides needed and providing ample pollination opportunities. They also require less water for maintenance and, when present in the atmosphere, can help store greenhouse gases, a key driver of climate change, according to the National Audobon Society.

Respecting nature is also important if you enjoy hiking or spending time outdoors. Sticking to walking paths and trails is not only for your safety, but also for the safety of the species around you. Constantly disturbing habitat or treading on plant life can darken an ecosystem.

Reducing and reusing materials is also crucial, as landfills and pollution can harm life on Earth, especially marine life. Consider buying items secondhand, and instead of throwing away old clothes or items around the house, find a way to repurpose, sell or donate them.

Essentially, it’s all about maintaining your home outside of your home.

“It is within our power to modify our actions to help ensure the survival of species and the health and integrity of ecological systems,” says the American Museum of Natural History. “…Although we cannot prevent all the negativities, Human impacts on biodiversity“With knowledge, we can work to change the direction and shape of our impacts on the rest of life on Earth.”

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