What to Eat and Avoid?

By | June 23, 2024

When you go to the gas pump to refuel your car, a decision awaits you: Which octane gasoline will you put in the tank? Regular may get the job done, but mid-range or premium options may improve performance.


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What you eat and drink works the same way for your body. Food and drink provide the energy to keep you going; and some options are “higher octane” than others.

So, what are the best choices for your internal tank and what crap can ruin your engine? Let’s do some diagnostics and take a look at the bottom line with registered dietitian Beth Czerwony, RD, LD.

Converting food into energy

Thanks to your metabolism, everything you consume, whether it’s an apple or a donut, is converted into energy for your body. This is a complex chemical process that never shuts down given your system’s constant demand for fuel.

But while all foods and drinks provide energy, they’re not equal in providing a lasting strength boost. Here are the things you can rely on to fight fatigue and stamina.

Foods and drinks that give you lasting energy

There is no single solution when it comes to foods that increase energy levels. Czerwony emphasizes that the best nutrition plans include a balanced diet filled with a variety of nutrient-rich foods.

These foods can be the building blocks of your energy.

Complex carbohydrates

Don’t be fooled by its name. Complex carbohydrates are easy to understand and even easier to incorporate into your diet.

Foods considered complex carbohydrates are generally rich in fiber and starch. These nutrients are more complex at the molecular level, making it harder for your body to break down and absorb them.

This slow process is ideal for maintaining a stable energy supply. “Complex carbohydrates provide lasting energy,” shares Czerwony. “These are the types of foods that will get you through the day.”

Foods that are complex carbohydrates include:

  • Whole grain options like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread.
  • Fruits like apples, blueberries, and pears (especially when you eat the fruit skin). Bananas and oranges too.
  • Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, asparagus, broccoli and corn.
  • Leafy greens like kale and spinach.
  • Legumes such as beans and lentils.

Lean proteins

Complex carbohydrates can be slow to digest, but proteins take even longer to digest; This may make them valuable in the fight against fatigue. But the key is to eat leaner proteins.

This is because processing proteins that are high in fat (marbled cuts of red meat, for example) forces your body to work harder. This huge effort by your belly can leave you sleepy.

“Eating leaner meats like skinless chicken or fish like salmon or cod can give you a protein boost without getting tired,” says Czerwony.

You can also find fortifying protein options away from the meat counter. Examples include:

  • Nuts such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
  • Seeds such as sunflower seeds, chia seeds or pumpkin seeds.
  • Plain yoghurt.
  • Legumes.
  • Eggs.


Being tired may be a sign that you are thirsty.

Even mild dehydration can cause a feeling of fatigue, Research shows. Low fluid levels in your body force your heart to work harder, slowly but surely draining you of your energy.

“This is one of the reasons why you’re more likely to get tired when you’re outside on a hot day,” Czerwony explains. “The importance of proper hydration cannot be emphasized enough. It helps everything in your body work more efficiently to keep you moving.

The amount of fluid your body needs can vary depending on activity level, weather and location. (Learn more about daily fluid needs and why drinking eight glasses of water isn’t always the answer.)

Foods and drinks that may make you tired

So far we’ve been focusing on “high-octane” food and drink options that can fuel your body and keep your engine revving. But other diet options are not as effective.

There’s some here.

caffeinated drinks

Are you surprised to see “jerk water” listed in this category? This is understandable. After all, consuming caffeine provides a definite energy boost. Anyone who has fueled a late-night workout with coffee or energy drinks understands this concept.

But there is a downside to consuming caffeine, and it can best be summarized with this adage: What goes up must come down.

Czerwony says accidents often occur after the energy boost caused by caffeine. Research shows that excessive sleepiness may be a byproduct of drinking caffeinated beverages after their effects have worn off. (This negative outcome gets worse with the amount of caffeine you consume.)

Caffeine can also make it difficult to sleep; especially if you experience this jolt later in the day. This can ultimately harm your energy levels.

The key to caffeine is moderation. “If you need instant energy, caffeine can get the job done,” says Czerwony. “But too much of a good thing is still too much. “If you always rely on caffeine to get you going, it’s a losing battle.”

Simple carbohydrates and sugars

If “slow burn” describes how your body processes complex carbohydrates, “flash fire” summarizes the events that occur with simple carbohydrates.

As the name suggests, simple carbohydrates are not that complex from a molecular perspective. This allows your body to quickly break down and digest simple carbohydrates, quickly raising your blood sugar and providing an energy boost.

However, Czerwony says that this rise is followed by a decline, which can cause you to feel sleepy after consuming carbohydrates. (The effect is similar to coming down from a caffeine buzz.)

Foods that fall into the simple carbohydrate category include:

  • Processed grains like white bread, white pasta and white rice. These foods are stripped of the fiber and nutrients that slow the digestion of their whole grain counterparts.
  • Many sweet treats like cookies, cakes and other baked goods.
  • Sugary cereals. (Get tips on choosing a healthier cereal.)
  • Syrupy-sweet sodas and other sugary drinks.
  • Yogurts with added fruit sweeteners.
  • Candy and snacks.


Putting aside beer, liquor and wine can drain your energy one by one.

Reason? For starters, when alcohol starts clouding your thinking, the neurons in your head fire a little slower. This reduction in brain activity creates a calming effect that can make you feel drowsy, Czerwony says.

But the negative impact on your energy levels doesn’t end there. Alcohol can also affect your sleep after a night of drinking, leaving your body without the rest it needs even after your head hits the pillow.

The toxic nature of alcohol destroys nutrients in your body; This isn’t ideal for feeling bright-eyed and energetic.

final thoughts

What’s on your plate is just one piece of a larger puzzle of building energy. How much and how often you eat also makes a difference. (For example, large meals can make you want to sleep. Skipping meals can drain your battery.)

How you live is also a factor. Regular exercise can give you more energy. The same goes for getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Managing stress can also make you feel cheerful.

In conclusion? “The decisions you make every day play an important role in determining how much energy you have,” Czerwony says. “The food you eat makes a big difference, but that’s not the only part.”

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